If you thought it could not get worse than Rebecca Black, think again. I present to you...My Jeans! by Jenna Rose.
Music videos, such as "Friday" and "My Jeans" have become a popular new trend. Kids (well, really their parents) can purchase studio time along with all the ins and outs of making a video, in hopes of making it big. "Living the American Dream." But far is it going to go?! Believe it or not, this girl can actually sing. I watched her perform on a late-night talk show (which is how I found out about this song).
With over 14 million hits, this video went viral, however, it was not over night like Rebecca Black. Why? Probably because people have a "been there done that" attitude about all the new 10 year old music videos coming out. Did it die after "Friday?" Possibly. But if so, why does "My Jeans" have 14 million hits?! For me personally, these types of videos are like a bad train wreck...I cant help but to watch them.